Moza asks :

Hi Lucy,

I have been in love with him for 3 years, and he didn't know about me. This year he finally knows about me. We are always looking at each other. When he looks at me, his eyes are full of feelings for me. He always tries to get attention from me. Do you think he loves me or not? What should I do?

Our Reply

Hi Moza,

It sounds like you having strong feelings for this man for a long time is making you want to finally find out how he feels back.

I can’t tell you if he loves you or not- remember that you have likely had feelings for him a lot longer than he has potentially had for you, so try not to read too much into his actions.

It does sound like he might want to engage with you if he is trying to get your attention and giving you a look that is perhaps a bit curious. It might not be love for him yet, but he may be attracted to you.

Why not ask him out on a date and gauge his reaction? If you have felt this way about him for so long perhaps you owe it to yourself to find out, buy being direct and asking to spend some time with him on your own. If he doesn’t feel the same way then at least you can begin to move on- if he does than you no longer have to wonder about the way he is looking at you or the attention he is sending your way.




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