kelly woods asks :

i have this empty feeling in me it happens whenever i think about what i want and what i dont have any help on how to get rid of this?

Yin replies

Hi Kelly, thanks for writing in.

Emptiness and indecision often comes from feeling low. Why not try talking to someone about this. If you are feeing unhappy, then try talking to friends or family who will listen to your concerns.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone close then why not apply for counselling? You can do this through your GP, who will refer you onto someone whom you can talk to confidentially.

Giving yourself time to think, even for the happiest of people can sometimes be your own worst enemy. We can all find something that we don’t like in our lives and dwell on it if we have the time. Try to fill your time with activities, go out with your friends, go to the cinema, find a hobby. All of this acts as a distraction and will stop you focusing on the negatives and find the positives that are there in your life. 

Yang replies

The Samaritans are always on hand if you have none else to talk to, they offer a 24/7 service that is also confidential.

Rather than looking at what you don’t have, look at what you do. Make a list of things that you have in your life, they can be as small as a roof over your head, but all of these things mount up and make your realise that there are things to be thankful for in your world.

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