lovedelia asks :

hi there i have been in a relationship with a guy for 9 months and he says he`s not ready to take me to meet his mother and my family knows him, he has a child and i don`t, and when i was growing up i told myself i don`t want to be in a relationship with a guy who has a child, now i told him i want a child he says we should wait i am 26 years old and he is 35 years old, the thing is i`m still in love with my previous bf, he doesn't have a child he`s one year older than me, he introduced me to his mom when we were dating for 4 months, and my current bf has too much issues, he doesn't tell his mother anything, even the fact that his baby-mama took him to court for maintenance please help what advise would you give me

Yin replies

If you are in love with your previous boyfriend, do you know if he loves you back still? It is natural to compare your ex with your current partner and sometimes it seems like what we had before was better, however if he doesn’t want to be with you again and you are not happy with your boyfriend perhaps it's time to move on to find the qualities you liked so much on your ex in a new man. 

Yang replies

Have you tried talking to your partner to encourage a meeting and how it makes you feel when he doesn’t introduce you to his family? There may be something else at play here that you are not aware of that has more to do with his relationship with his mother than it does you. Perhaps he wants to sort out the things that have happened with his ex before thinking about having another child, which again is no reflection on you, but gives you both the best chance of raising a child together if that is what you choose to do.

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