Ashley asks :

Hi Lucy,

I've been with my boyfriend for 10 months now! He has cheated on me once by talking dirty to some other girl through his email! I forgave him and now he keeps on trying to text his ex-girlfriend almost every day! He says he loves me and can’t lose me but sometimes if feel like if don’t matter to him! If he is happy with me why should he go back trying to talk to his ex? I don’t know what to feel sometimes I feel like giving it all up and telling him I can’t do this anymore I don’t know where I stand in his life. Please tell me what to do/ I desperately need your help. Thanks in advance

Our Reply

Hi Ashley,

Have you talked to him about him texting his ex? If you haven’t then maybe bring it up with him. How would he feel if you were the one who was emailing or texting your ex and talking dirty to them?

If he has not done anything physical with these women, this might be why he thinks it’s acceptable, however it sounds like the intention for something more could be there. Talking dirty is a precursor to lots of things and he might be leading the women on whether they want to be led on or not.

If you feel that strongly about it then perhaps ask him to stop if it makes you feel that uncomfortable. If he doesn’t then it might be in your interest to find someone who doesn’t feel the need to talk dirty to anyone but you.


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