Rhia asks :

My best friends ex boyfriend and I went on a date and he kissed me. I don't know how to tell her. I really like him and he really likes me and I've always put Her first. She's done things like this to me so many times but I didn't say anything but whenever I do something wrong all our friends turn against me. I don't know what to do.

Our Reply

If you are honest with her from the outset then you will not run the risk of her finding out any other way which will look much worse. If you like each other then talk to her about it before you progress things any further. Chances are she won’t be ok with it at first, so you need to be prepared for the worst.


If she has done things like this to you in the past then there may be a part of you that wants to get back at her, especially if there were no repercussions for her actions. It really depends what you are prepared to give up if the worst happens. If your friends turn against you but didn’t do her then they are not really your friends. They should be there for you whatever you decide if it doesn’t directly affect them.


If your potential relationship means more to you than your friendship does then go for that but if there is any doubt in your mind about things working with this guy then you could end up with no one. Do what is right for you and what you want but be careful not to leave yourself short in the process. 

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