sarah goodson asks :

The guy i am having a relationship with for a while seems to be very close to his mother. He lives away from home (different country) but when he returns home they go out on dates together (without the father or sister). One time they went to a movie, which was about a group of lads who were trying to get girls for sex. One of the scenes in the movie showed one of the lads with his hands inside the girl's underpants. I told my bf i thought it was inappropriate for him to see a movie like this with his mom. He didnt understand what i was saying! He is late 2o's ... she is 62. When i asked what she did when that sex scene was showing he said *she laughed* Is it just me, or is this kind of weird? thanks

Yin replies

Being close to family is a rare thing these days, which is why a lot of people will find it strange. There is an age old tradition that boys are always closer to their mothers then their fathers, so there is potentially nothing to worry about here.


Yang replies

Be wary that trying to drive a wedge between your boyfriend and his mother could cause you problems down the line. Family often comes before relationships, so if it comes down to it and you have a fall out over this he will likely choose his mum over you.

There is nothing wrong with acknowledging sex with your parents. You were brought into the world this way and pretending that is doesn’t exist it a little naïve on both parts. Talking about it in graphic detail is a little inappropriate yes, but having the understanding that is happens and finding humour in it is ok.  


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