Mariella asks :

Hi Lucy,

I love one of my best friends who I’ve known for a long time. But I’ve never felt this way before. We had a conversation a few weeks ago which made me realise I have feelings for him. Only problem is he has a girlfriend in Russia who he really loves what do I do? Please help!

Our Reply

Hi Mariella,

If you don’t talk to him then you might never know if there is a possibility he could like you, so perhaps have a conversation with him. If it is only a few weeks since your conversation took place, then there is less pressure on you. If you had loved him for years and not said anything that could be harder to recover from if he does not feel the same way.

Perhaps it’s best to ask him and get it out of the way so you can move on either with or without him as your partner.

If he loves her, then you could leave it well alone and try to get over him. Has he given you any indication that he likes you too? If not then perhaps take this as confirmation that he is committed to his girlfriend in Russia.

That said if you were to start a relationship it would be much easier than the one he is in now given that you are in the same country- it all depends on how strong he feels for this other woman.

Perhaps establish this first before potentially pursuing this. If he tells you that things are not good between them then it could be an indication that he might be open to something in future. If he is madly in love then by telling him you could affect your friendship unnecessarily. 

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