Zoe asks :

Hi Lucy,


I text some other person who I’ve known for ages and my partner found out. Now he’s going mad- nothing was in it, it was just a friendly text and his ex texts him. Now he’s dumped me.

Hi Zoe,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Often when someone gets angry over their partners actions it because they are feeling guilty about their own. Perhaps he was feeling guilty for texting his ex and so projected this onto you. Maybe there was something more going on with his ex if he was texting her. If this was the case then perhaps look for someone who is not still tangled up in their past relationship. 

It sounds like he might have trust issues with you or himself if you genuinely didn't mean anything romantic in the text you sent to this person.

If he dumped you over an innocent text to a friend, it is possible to assume that you might have been under constant scrutiny over all of your texts if you had stayed together.

Perhaps enjoy the freedom of communicating with other people without someone looking over your shoulder all the time. If he criticised you for something he was doing himself then that was a little hypocritical of him. 


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