zena asks :

There's this guy Ive been talking for about a few months now, we talk abit and sometimes it can become flirtatious which I don't mind cause we are just playing around and we seem to have a lot in common. The issue is I'm starting to grow fond of him, whenever we are at his place he's always tryna get physical with me e.g. spooning, rubbing thighs and kissing. He has never mentioned being in a relationship of any sort but I have noticed he has a "best boyfriend" teddy bear in his room, he does not share his room with anybody and I am not sure how to approach him about it and whether to stop seeing him because of it. Please help

Yin replies

Yin / Tyler

If he plays around with you like this you are bound to start and feel something more for him beacsue, minus the sex, you are doing a lot of what a couple would do together. You need to ask him what he wants from you and ask yourself what you want from this. If you are happy to go on in this way, be prepared for him not to want a relationship from you, as he could be after a one night stand. If he has not mentioned a relationship with you it could be that he doesn’t want one but it could also mean that he just hasn’t asked and is testing the water. The teddy could be from a past relationship however how many people do you know that would have this on display after a relationship is over? Find out what is going on, if he is attached don’t get in the middle of that and if not you both need to want the same things out of this situation. 

Yang replies

Yang / Lydia

You need to find out what this guy’s status is as soon as you can. Straight up ask him what’s going on before you go into anything beyond what’s happening already. He doesn’t seem like the subtlest of gents, so he’ll probably not freak out. Whatever your decision, you need to know all the information before you make your choice. The sharing the room thing, that’s more than likely that he really values that personal space and likes to keep one place in his life private.

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