Will seeing how many calories are in this sto you from ordering it?

Will seeing how many calories are in this sto you from ordering it?

Putting calorie information on menus is bound to encourage healthy eating, isn't it?

When you consider that some pizzas use up more than half of your daily allowance of calories and burgers take up most of your daily intake of fat - it's wouldn't surprise me if it put you off eating them.

Researchers asked customers whether it would discourage unhealthy eating, before and after a law was passed in New York in 2008, which forced restaurants to display nutritional information.

The study by the NY Health Department showed that one in six used the information - with most reducing their intake. Not staggering figures when you really think about it though.

This study comes as UK restaurants are introducing a similiar scheme.

Seeing the calories in front of you just as you are about to indulge will certainly have an effect on your stomach - what do you think?

Will it stop you from picking the unhealthiest meal on the menu?

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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