The world's first designer exercise bike...

The world's first designer exercise bike...

If you're on the look out for a trendy, exciting, cutting edge allbeit expensive incentive to get yourself on the work out wagon then Harrod's may just have the toy for you.

The Ciclotte is the world's first designer exercise bike and is a limited edition art piece combining style, performance and state-of-the-art technology.

So if getting on your old dated exercise bike or walking to the local gym does nothing to inspire getting your bod bikini ready, then this baby, which boasts style, personality not to mention putting a new spin on a traditional exercise machine, may just be the thing to help you start shedding the pounds and keeping fit and healthy this summer.

Ciclotte is designed to sit in any contemporary space, perfect if you're a minimalist, looking for a statement piece of furnature and the inspiration to get into better shape!

Made by one of Milan's leading designers Luca Schieppati and made by Italiam Lamiflex group, the bike is made from high quality materials including including carbon, steel and glass fibres, alongside a unique technology system.

The limited edition Ciclotte is available from Harrods in both black and silver. It's stylish, practical and with a hefty £8,800 price tag, hearing the price alone is sure to burn off a few calaries!

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie

twitter: @Jenna_FAM

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