Does the flu keep you off work?

Does the flu keep you off work?

It would seem we're a nation of considerate souls, as a new poll has revealed that 6 in 10 Brits are concerned about passing on cold and flu, choosing to stay at home to avoid spreading germs. 

The survey findings reveal that 85% of people choose to rest and recover at home when ill, inadvertently sparing the health of their colleagues.

But somehow we don't believe it's all down to spreading the germs as the poll also unveiled how we like to make the most of the day off, with enjoying a lie in, snuggling in front of a movie and staying in our pyjamas all day. 

Further still, 12% of people surveyed revealed that another benefit of staying home when ill is the extra love and attention they receive from family members, whilst 15% enjoy the fact that someone else will offer to make them tea.

A spokesman for Lemsip, who commissioned the survey said: “We all know how debilitating cold and flu can be and it seems Brits are conscious of passing the viruses on to their colleagues.

“When you’re feeling poorly, sometimes the best option is to be tucked up in a cosy duvet, working your way through box sets and staying well clear of your colleagues who won’t thank you for passing on your illness if you were in the office.”

“Staying home is especially tempting if there is someone on hand to make you delicious hot soothing drinks, tuck you in, fuss about and make you feel special.”

The study indicates that 13% of people snuggle up with their dog or cat when they are ill, whilst 17% rest and recover in front of box sets, including new favourites such as Breaking Bad and old classics like Friends.

Following their period of rest and recovery, 33% say they feel more appreciated when they return to work. A fifth also claim that their families or partners notice how much they do when healthy, undoubtedly providing a feel-good boost.

However, 78% will only call in sick if they’re feeling truly terrible and a staggering 74% of Brits battle on regardless when ill and don’t let it get them down.


  1. You can escape the stress of work
  2. You  can watch TV all day
  3. You don’t have to get dressed all day
  4. You can sleep / have a lie in
  5. You can stay in bed all day
  6. You can watch a movie
  7. You can put household chores on the back burner
  8. You can finish the book you’re really in to
  9. You get a chance to relax
  10. You  don’t have to worry about showering
  11. You can watch a box set
  12. Someone makes you a cup of tea
  13. You don’t have to face the daily commute
  14. You get to cuddle up with the cat or dog all day
  15. Your partner or family lavish you with attention


Dr Hirsch, an internationally recognised smell and taste expert comments: “Recent survey results reveal that when people are feeling unwell they miss their sense of taste. However, around 90 per cent of what we perceive as taste is actually smell – the two senses work together to give what we refer to as flavour. Therefore, relieving nasal congestion during cold & flu is crucial to regaining a sense of taste. It is a good idea to opt for strong spicy smells and tastes such as cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and ginger as these flavours are easier to recognise and provide maximum flavour.”


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