Kate Winslet makes clever choices when it comes to clothes

Kate Winslet makes clever choices when it comes to clothes

The New Year always starts with good intentions; you’ve joined the local gym, bought the latest fitness DVD and the fridge is stocked with fruit, vegetables and low calorie meals.

Then come the January blues and as you’re doing your best to battle them, food becomes a most desired comfort and the chocolate biscuits creep back in to your bottom drawer at work.

The pressures of dieting and losing weight all boil down to gaining confidence and feeling good about yourself.  However, it’s possible to look slimmer without losing a pound!

There are many diet-free ways you can ‘trim down’; from dressing to flatter your body shape, changing your wardrobe or hairdo, or even just putting on some flattering high heels!

If you’re finding it difficult to keep up the exercise and can’t stomach munching anymore lettuce leaves, here are some top tips on how you can lose those pounds instantly without breaking a sweat.

Be smart with your wardrobe choices

Choose appropriate clothing that works for your body shape as this can make you look several sizes smaller instantly. When it comes to women’s clothing, the right colour, shape, and fabric can make a big difference to your silhouette. The optical illusion dress (made popular by Kate Winslet) is a perfect example of how a simple dress can enhance your curves and take inches off your waist by using some artful colour blocking.  Choose darker colours like black, chocolate brown, maroon and purple to disguise your problem areas.  It’s also important to wear clothes that are a perfect fit as oversized clothes can make you look bigger while tight clothes will emphasise parts you’d prefer to hide.

Invest in some good underwear

Wearing the right underwear is really important to give you a much slimmer physique. If you want to give the illusion of a smaller figure, go for supportive styles that help pull in the tummy and support the bust. Take time to get a free bra fitting at an underwear store and get measured properly. Ill-fitting bras and knickers will only create bulges of unwanted skin, making you look much bigger than you are. Invest in some good shape wear garments as they can help to instantly tuck, smooth and sculpt your body. 

Splurge on a winter spray tan

Something as simple as a spray tan is perfect to get that sun-kissed look but also a wonderful slimming trick. A treatment can knock inches off your silhouette and help you appear toned and trimmed in minutes. Not only does a tan hide cellulite, it can create shape and add definition around the tummy, neckline and thighs.

Slip on those heels

Wherever possible try and wear skinny high heels with pointy toes. Shoes with a tapered toe and stiletto heel can give your legs a longer, leaner appearance and encourage a better posture.  

New Year, new hair

If you want to make your face look slimmer why not bite the bullet and go for a new hairdo? Most hairstylists will tell you that changing your hair can dramatically slim down your face. Whether your face is round, squarish, rectangular or heart-shaped, the goal is to make it appear oval-shaped so your jawline is slightly narrower than your forehead. Adding layers, highlights and loose curls are all tricks you can implement but be sure to book a consultation with a hairstylist you trust to look at the best option for you.  

On behalf of Westfield London Shopping stores 

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