Parenting News

30 August 2011

Parents need to show more consideration for their child's sleeping patterns

A new study has revealed that parents need to show more appreciation when it comes to their childs sleeping habits. The first ever transatlantic survey into sleep patterns of children ...
29 August 2011

Germs in the playground - how you can prevent it

Children playing is a natural thing and so are germs, it's hard to control the latter when they love to run around, swing from everything and touch things within reach. ...
24 August 2011

Victoria Beckham slips disc - how you can avoid it and treat the pain after birth

Victoria Beckham recently gave birth to her fourth child as we all know, but has since suffered from a slipped disk in her back and is now suffering with immense ...
23 August 2011

Number of children visiting the dentist has fallen

Getting your child to go the dentist can sometimes be a battle, they just don't want to go. As much as you tempt them with sweet and treats their reluctance ...
22 August 2011

Sending children back to school and the impending cost of it

The summer holidays are drawing to an end which means the last minute dash to get the school uniform. New jumpers, cardigans, socks, shirts, pants, skirts, shoes and all of ...
19 August 2011

Jo Frost the Supernanny talks to us

Jo Frost is the ulitmate Supernanny. She's been on our screens helping to raise our kids and introduced us to the infamous Naughty Step - what a god send. Her ...
17 August 2011

Parents paying out £1,400 to keep their kids quiet

Celebrities are not the only ones that are forcing injunctions, it seems that we are too. Brits spend more than £1,400 per year in hush money for their children. We're ...
17 August 2011

Oral health care for mother and baby

Taking care or your own oral hygiene is important at all time, but none more so than when you're expecting a baby. As many women will testify, the significant changes ...
16 August 2011

Increasing university fees, are they still worth it?

Worry about the impending increase of of student university fees is constantly surfacing, is the education worth those years of debt?Well, apparently it is. A new study of British millionaires ...
12 August 2011

Wasp watch

With the summer holidays upon us, the last thing that is needed is anupset child. One thing, well one insect that is bound to do some damage is the wasp. ...
10 August 2011

Toddlers more likely to eat burgers than brocolli

The first-ever UK toddler census has been conducted with some shocking figures revealed. Our toddlers are more likely to eat burgers than broccoli, spend longer watching TV or playing on ...
9 August 2011

Breastfeeding still shunned by the public

Breastfeeding has been proven to benefit both mother and child. So why do millions of mums feel forced to quit it when they return to work? What's worse is 70 ...
9 August 2011

Packed lunches not safe to eat

Packing a healthy, balanced lunch for your child each day when going to school may be causing more harm than you are actually aware of. A US study found that ...
8 August 2011

The 10ft bottle family

We should all be doing our bit to help the environment. Whether it be switching the television off standby, not filling the kettle up to the top for one cup ...
5 August 2011

Child neglect believed to be worse during the summer holidays

Can you ever imagine leaving a child without any food, no sense of safety and no clean clothes to put on each morning? I didn't think so. Child neglect is ...
5 August 2011

Children are looking for more adventures

Children are looking for more adventure in their lives, according to new research. The study found that 85 per cent find their lives mundane and would like something fun and ...
1 August 2011

Babies consume too much salt

We're all being told that we eat too much salt, and now it's been discovered that babies are getting more than their recommended daily allowance. They are getting more than ...
30 July 2011

Kirstie Allsopp reveals how she will be keeping the kids busy this summer

So what's this new Persil Small and Mighty campaign all about? It's a very fun campaign, it's very clever of Persil to do this it focuses on mums and the mini-miracles ...
29 July 2011

Petrol costs could mean the end of summer fun, according to mums

Money worries and the summer holidays are generally two thoughts that come together at this time of the year. You're struggling to find cheap, but fun ways of keeping the ...
27 July 2011

Children's names that are likely to mean they're a mummy's boy or a daddy's girl

Choosing a particular baby name can now determine which of the parents that child will favour. A new study has revealed that certain names can suggest whether they will be ...
26 July 2011

Parents don't see issue with taking children away from school

The summer holidays are here and for the next six weeks you have to come up with ways of keeping the children entertained. Some of you may be able to ...
25 July 2011

You believe that your children are growing up too fast

Eighty-seven per cent of you believe that your children are growing up too quickly. You are justifiably worried that they are experiencing 'teenage' issues before their teen years, according to ...
22 July 2011

New mums told it's better to go back to work

Getting back into work after having a child can something that mothers dream of. Having a small sense of freedom and a little more 'me time' where they get to ...
22 July 2011

A mother's job should earn them £37,000 a year

A 70-hour work week, no holidays and no pay. This is certainly not the type of job any woman would knowingly apply for, would she?Well, according to a survey, it's ...