Kyla finds out that her son Max got an offer from the football academy. She's stunned and delighted except for the fact it’s in Rotterdam. He's only fourteen years old and Kyla tells Maddy that she’s thinking of going with him

It’s the end of Joseph’s shift and he gets into his car. Daisha sees Joseph and tries to grab his attention and asks whether he’d like to go for a drink.

Donna accepts Elliot’s offer letting Maria down and telling her that she’s needed in theatre. Maria is devastated as she wanted to say goodbye to Aaron. In theatre Donna is receiving expert tuition from Elliot and Donna savours the thrill of life and death surgery. Afterwards Donna apologizes to Maria and says she had to be in theatre. Elliot appears and thanks Donna for helping during the operation when she didn’t need to. Mariah is furious, how could Donna do this to her? Its too late for Maria, Aaron is on his way to the airport. Maria is devastated and finds Sam for a shoulder to cry on.

Joseph and Daisha are in the bar. He orders a large scotch. Downs it and orders another. Daisha has to head home for her baby, she’d like to stay but can’t. Joseph stays and orders another drink and Jac walks in. She immediately sees that he’s unsettled – it’s not like Joseph to drink so much. He admits that Faye needs some time away and Jac, with a glint in her eye, consoles him and orders her and Joseph a bottle of wine. Joseph is steadily getting drunk.

Sam keeps receiving a number of strange phone calls and wrong numbers. Who is this person that keeps calling him?

The next morning: Joseph wakes up with an awful hangover. He groans. He can hear the shower. Joseph smiles, thinks that Faye’s back. He calls out to Faye but finds Jac, naked with just a towel. Joseph is gobsmacked. He didn’t…they didn’t….he can’t remember!