Carmen asks :

I'm a 16 year old girl. 5'3, 165 lbs. I don't eat alot... Like seriously. As compared to my skinny friends, my amount of food is lesser than them. I dont snack either. I exercise too! Every 2 days I'll go for a 3km run. However.. I don't seem to be losing any weight. Its been 3 months since i started running. Any suggestions??

Yin replies

Yin / Tyler

~165lbs: For our readers who use stones and pounds this equates to about 11 and a half stone. ~


Most exercise takes about six weeks to kick in when you start something new, so don’t worry about a slow affect. Your metabolism will be getting faster the more exercise you do, so if it is a little slow then just bear with it.


Check out your bmi score and see what the experts think about your height to weight ratio:

In terms of your eating habits, look to what you are eating, take a diary and work out what the calorie intake is; it may be that you are eating less but what you are eating is more calorific or has more carbohydrates. Try and get balance between what your body needs for the exercise, meaning you will need a bit more to keep you going on the days you do heavy exercise and on the days you are inactive you will need a bit less. If you are running it is good to eat foods containing omega 3 such as fish or supplements to keep the joints supple and slow release carbohydrates such as oats in the morning to keep you going throughout the day. Oatbran is great at doing this as well as collecting excess fats and carrying through our systems.


Yang replies

Yang / Lydia

Make sure you drink a lot of water to, if running is something new for you then keep hydrated as this can aid digestion, flush out your toxins as well as keep you alert and make you feel full. Don’t get downhearted you seem to be heading in the right direction, but if you are adamant at losing the weight do it slowly as this is the best way to approach it, if you do it fast it will not stay off and you will live a life of yo-yoing, which is very bad for your body. Try not to compare yourself too much to your friends; you are all different and if you are built a little bigger than them don’t worry unless you are unhealthy and eat processed foods all the time and do no exercise.


Keeping fit and eating well is great, but don’t take it to the extreme. What is your perception of yourself when you are alone and have no one to compare yourself to? If behind the scenes you are content with the way you look then by all means exercise, but don’t aspire to be like anyone else, you are you and that is all you need to care about. If you is a curvy girl then so be it.

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