You leave work feeling lethargic, but all you've done is sat at your desk all day. It's a hard job working in an office. 

How can you improve your fitness at work?

How can you improve your fitness at work?

If you're looking on shifting those Christmas pounds though, there's a simple solution - work standing up. 

Staying on your feet for an extra three hours a day could burn off up to 8lbs of fat each year, according to new research conducted by exercise scientist John Buckley from Chester University. 

Standing up for three hours will consume 144 calories, he claims.

'People are sitting down at work, then sitting in the car and then sitting down in front of the television,' Dr Buckley told BBC News.

'Your metabolic rate crashes to an absolute minimum. It isn't natural. Humans are designed to stand up and keep moving.'

He suggested that people switch to higher than normal desk chairs to answer their calls and create documents as this will help to reduce obesity and improve circulation. 

Are you going to be getting a new chair then?

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