Frisky Holidaying Brits Put Health At Risk

Frisky Holidaying Brits Put Health At Risk

As the holiday season draws to an end, a new survey of single 18-35 year old holidaymakers by Lloydspharmacy suggests that young people are continuing to put their sexual health at risk by having sex with multiple sexual partners. The survey also shows a worryingly relaxed approach among holidaymakers to catching STIs from holiday flings. 

Despite 1 in 5 of those surveyed stating sightseeing as a holiday priority, delve deeper and it appears much more flesh is being viewed than scenic sites!

One sexual partner isn’t enough for many, with 38% of men admitting to having sex with two or more partners on holiday versus 11% for women.  At the extreme, 4% of men admitted to having more than 10 sexual partners on their last holiday!

People from Southampton had the highest average number of sexual partners at 3 and Norwich had the least at 1.

Women were less concerned about catching an STI from having sex on holiday than men. 37% of women (vs 24% men) said they were not concerned about catching an STI as a result of having sex abroad, with 42% (vs 33% men) admitting it didn’t cross their mind to have an STI test when they got back from their trip.

Overall, almost a third of those surveyed were aware of the potential consequences of having unprotected sex but went ahead anyway.

This is particularly worrying given that chlamydia, for example, can lead to infertility in both sexes if left untreated. Over half of people admitted to having never been tested for STIs.

In 2010 there was a noticeable increase in the number of enquiries and orders made to the Lloydspharmacy Online Doctor sexual health service during July, August and September, accounting for over 30% of requests made during the whole year. In 2011, 74% of Lloydspharmacy customers who requested an STI test were between 18 and 35 years; of those, 11% tested positive.

Dr Thom Van Every, sexual health expert at Lloydspharmacy Online Doctor said: "We see the darker side of many unprotected holiday flings so this is an extremely busy time of year for us. The return to work after a holiday is depressing enough without having an STI to deal with.

"If left untreated STIs can have very serious health implications and affect not only your health but that of others. It’s all too easy to unknowingly pass on an STI to a sexual partner if you’ve picked something up and haven’t realised.

"Don’t be fooled - having no symptoms doesn’t always mean you haven’t got a problem downstairs; if in doubt, get checked out. If you’re embarrassed about visiting a clinic and talking about intimate problems face to face, our discreet online service means you don’t have to and it’s also a good solution if you’re strapped for time.

"The survey showed that 15% of people who didn’t use a condom whilst having sex on holiday admitted that this was because they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Research from the Liverpool John Moores University has shown that having sex whilst abroad is often associated with regular heavy drinking."

Professor Mark Bellis OBE, Director, Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University said: "People are less likely to think about protecting their sexual health after drinking or using drugs. As young people take advantage of the summer holidays to party more at home and abroad, we routinely see increases in the number of sexually transmitted infections.

"People can help prevent these infections if they carry a condom. They may not be planning to have sex but just in case, it does not hurt to be prepared."

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