The secret to anti-ageing could lie with the food you're eating

The secret to anti-ageing could lie with the food you're eating

Want to slow down the signs of ageing? Then ditch the sugary, processed food and change your diet.

That’s according to model and nutritionist Katherine Elyse Blake who claims food is one of the most important factors in how young, youthful and radiant our skin looks.

She believes sugar is one of the ultimate skin stressors, leading to skin complaints like acne and can increase the appearance of wrinkles.

Poor nutrition results in thinner skin, reduces regeneration, increases damage that leads to signs of ageing and reduces the levels of the protein collagen.

Katherine claims a few simple changes to diet and lifestyle can slow down the onset of lines and wrinkles.

Among those changes are drinking more water, avoiding processed foods and switching to wholegrain carbs.

Katherine says: “Ageing is a natural and inevitable process but there are precautions we can take and lifestyle changes we can make to help slow it down.

“Your skin is your largest organ and it’s extremely important to keep it healthy, nourished and hydrated. By following the tips you’ll be taking the right steps to improve your overall health and slow down the signs of ageing.”

Here are Katherine’s tips to keep the wrinkles at bay:

Try to avoid adding sugar to sweeten food and drinks such as cereals and tea and coffee. Instead replace with natural sugars like stevia.

Reduce the amount of refined and processed white carbohydrates in your diet and replace then with wholegrain carbs like brown rice and legumes. Squash and sweet potato are also great replacements.

Drink plenty of water. Keep a bottle with you at work and carry one around in your bag. It’ll keep you skin nicely hydrated.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for healthy skin, keeping your skin strong and full of moisture. Great omega 3 rich foods include avocado, oily fish, olive oil and raw coconut oil.

Green tea is a must for skin renewal. The catechins found in it help prevent collagen from breaking down and reactivate dying skin cells.

Berries contain potent antioxidants which protect the skin from damage. Try to eat a handful a day.

Brazil nuts are packed with selenium which helps produce antioxidant glutathione which can help repair skin cell damage. Selenium is also great for keeping the skin clear and breakouts at bay.

Kale is full of iron which boosts collagen and fends off wrinkles. Trying eating it raw or lightly steamed to preserve its antioxidants.

Melon is great for skin elasticity. A 175g serving contains your RDA of vitamins A and C which stimulate collagen. Eat with salad or as part of a smoothie.

Tomatoes are packed with lycopene and Vitamin C which is great for collagen support and skin protection.

Yoghurt is great for glowing skin. Dull looking skin can be due to imbalances in the digestive tract. Try and eat a tub a day or have a pro /pre biotic drink.

Make a few simple lifestyle changes – try to keep stress to a minimum, exercise when you can if you smoke, quit.

Look after your skin. Even when the weather’s bad, wear a moisturiser with an SPF and when it is sunny, make sure you put on your shades to protect the delicate skin around your eyes.

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