Jason Vale is the author of 7lbs in 7 days

Jason Vale is the author of 7lbs in 7 days

For the past five days I’ve drank nothing but juice, different flavours, different textures, different juices and it has been difficult. 

I started out with the belief that I could get through this quite easily, I mean it’s only seven days, but I’ve needed a lot of will power and will continue to do so to see out the next couple of days.

See, I’m on the Jason Vale 7lbs in 7 days Juice Detox.

The great thing about this is that you are expected to drink quite a lot on it, with a whole host of nutrients provided through the different types of juices, which means that I’m rarely hungry – but still missing solid food.

Yes, some of the drinks are a little hard to finish because of the taste but power through them because you’ll be shocked to see how much better they actually make you feel. At the end of the five days I feel refreshed and more energised and I can only expect this to carry on for the full week.

It was a little daunting assembling the Philip's Juicer together and I was expecting to have a diaster as I tried to make the drinks - but in all honestly, they couldn't have made it any simpler. Most of the fruits, unless otherwise stated in the recipe, can be put in whole and unpeeled and the remainders are easy to get rid of, as one section of the juicer just needs tipping over the bin. A word off warning though, prepare yourself for what the juiced fruits and vegetables might look like, as I was a little shocked. 

I have two days left on the detox and already know that juices will forever become apart of my diet - particularly the all fruit ones, they taste delicious. Wish me luck for the final stretch. 

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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