Get ready for your summer body with the 5:2 diet

Get ready for your summer body with the 5:2 diet

The 5:2 diet has taken weight loss by storm, plenty of people have tried the diet and saw excellent results – even Phillip Schofield has advocated it. But, it does take time and effort to ensure you’re sticking to your fast days.

With the launch of a new product range by LighterLife Fast you can 5:2 your eating regime with ease and simplicity.  

Intermittent fasting is a plan that limits your calorie intake to around 25% of its normal amount for only 2 days of the week whilst still eating normally for the other 5 days.  

Medical Advisor to LighterLife Fast Dr Hilary believes that intermittent fasting is the way to manage your weight with ease and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

“Intermittent fasting is an ideal way to manage your weight by focusing on strict calorie control for only 2 days a week. As well as the noticeable health benefits, a ‘fasting’ plan also affords you complete control over your weight management. By picking the days that suit you best to fast and eating normally but nutritiously for the rest of the week you will be able to manage your weight or even drop those few unwanted pounds with ease. It is a sustainable option which will offer maximum benefits.”

The LighterLife fast products not only are readily available but they’re easy to make too, milkshakes for breakfast and soups for lunch, they’re easy and convenient to pop in your handbag as you’re heading out the door.

I wouldn’t suggest the evening meal options though, work out what calories you have left and plan an evening meal that’s limited to these – it’s much more satisfying when you get in from a long day.

Here, Dr Hilary gives his advice on the health benefits of intermittent fasting and how to get the best out of the diet.

Why choose 5:2?

There are a number of advantages which will come through adopting a 5:2 diet – but perhaps the most important are the widely reported health benefits which can range from reduced risk of diabetes, improvement in brain function as well as helping prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. But what is also key is that it helps you to manage your weight effectively. Most people do not require the amount of calories they eat per day and what they don’t metabolise for fuel will then be converted to fat which is then stored. Lower calorie consumption on 2 days a week, has been shown to help promote lower calorie consumption on a weekly basis, which in turn helps your body burn excess fat.

Fasting to suit your lifestyle

One of the best things about the 5:2 plan is that you can fast around your lifestyle. There are no set days that you have to lower your calorie intake so plan your week ahead and just pick non-consecutive days that are easiest for you so you don’t have to miss out on dinner with friends or your weekly Sunday roast. Perhaps choose to fast early in the week so you can relax and enjoy yourself over the weekend.

On the day’s you aren’t fasting you are free to eat as you would normally – but try to make it as nutritious as possible. Make fruit and vegetables the focus of your meals, with pulses, whole grains, reduced-fat dairy products and lean red meat, poultry, fish and eggs.

It is recommended that you should have at least two alcohol free days a week whether you are on a diet or not, so forgoing alcohol on your fast days will ensure you are doing the best by your body. Be sure to keep yourself well hydrated by drinking plenty of water on ’fast’ days and low calorie drinks such as tea and coffee – thirst is often mistaken for hunger so getting plenty of fluids will prevent you from overeating.

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