We spend an average of four hours in the pub in a month

We spend an average of four hours in the pub in a month

Friendship is supposedly priceless, well not according to new research. Apparently the value of a closest mate can be set exactly at £11,495.

The report, launches as part of Nivea's Moments of Closeness campaign which has been inspiring the nation to get closer to the ones they love, has uncovered that friends will spend on average £2,192 per year on buying things for their closest pals and would have to invoice their mates £8,059 if they were to bill them for the time they spend together.

The research also shows how much we prioritise our friends in our lives, spending more than 50 hours a month keeping in touch with them.

Perhaps unsurprisngly, the most popular social activity with friends was cited as enjoying a 'swift half' down the pub, with close friends spending an average of four hours 20 minutes per month at their local water hole.

"It's so encouraging to see that despite the rise of the technological age, British friends are still striving to be closer than ever and prioritising spending face time with their nearest and dearest," says psychologist and Nivea Closeness consultant, Geoff Beattie.

"It has always been said that friends are worth their weight in gold and to fnd that we can now put a value of £11,495 on our closest friends should mean a new-found appreciation for the close friends in our lives."

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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