Is Chivalry Finally Dead?

Is Chivalry Finally Dead?

For years now we have speculated as to whether chivalry really is a lost art and now some new research acts as the nail in the coffin.

Instead of being doted upon, women would rather be independent and please themselves, leaving men with little choice but to let them!

Gone are the days when men are expected to pay for the first date, with women now insisting they would rather pay for their dinner themselves, shows research from

Women would also rather carry their bags than have a gentleman give them a helping hand.

Possibly one of the most astonishing parts of these results are that most women would not take a seat on public transport if it was offered to her by a man.

Remember those old movies where when the woman was chilly, the gent would offer her his coat and she would take it with sheer delight? Not anymore!

Tradition seems to be going down the drain, with women wanting to be more independent and equal to men.

Mark Hall, Gentleman Creation Officer, believes that it is the decline in chivalry that has women refusing to partake in it anymore.

He says, “Men's standards have slipped so far over recent years that any offer of chivalry from a gentleman knocks a woman off their guard and is viewed with outright suspicion.

“Does an offer of goodwill have to be taken the wrong way? If men upped their game across the board, good manners would be back on the agenda once again.

“We've forgotten about good behaviour, and it’s high time gentlemen stood up to be counted - especially on a crowded bus.”

Women aren’t all to blame though, perhaps the simplest romantic gestures are being overlooked by men.

A massive 98 per cent of women said they would like to be bought flowers, yet only 32 per cent have actually received any in the last 12 months.

Do you think chivalry is a romantic classic or a waste of time? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK


Cara Mason @cara_mason