A New Gadget Will Let You Know If It's Safe To Kiss

A New Gadget Will Let You Know If It's Safe To Kiss

Dating can be hard enough without having to focus on how your breath smells, but when you remember that you were munching garlic bread for lunch and you’re potentially about meet the person of your dreams, then you’ve got a problem.

How do you know for sure that your breath isn’t up to its best? You can always breathe into your hands, the age old effective way.

Then there’s the tell-tale flinch that people do when you begin to talk to them, but neither way is going to tell you for sure.

That’s where this little gadget comes in; the Bad Breath Tester is a small, handbag ready gadget that will tell you if you’re okay to lean in for that kiss that you’ve been waiting for all night.

You breathe into the gadget and it tells you how bad your breath is on a scale of 1-4. If you’re nearing the higher end of the scale, you know to back off but if you’re at number 1 then you’re good to go!

You can get your Bad Breath Tester for £19.99 from play.com.


Cara Mason @FemaleFirst_UK