One Pulse has identified 6 conversations couples are reluctant to bring up we take a look at each one in turn.

What do you avoid discussing with your partner?

What do you avoid discussing with your partner?

Jealousy- Will your partner think you are clingy? Over-protective? Resentful of them having friends of the opposite sex? Every couple needs boundaries so each person knows not to overstep them but when do you put them in place? Is a little jealousy flattering? Will a partner see it that way?

Finances- Being brought up to never ask another person's wage, proves to be quite difficult once you settle down with someone. Some argue it's no one of their partner's business, others believe that nothing should be kept secret within a relationship- even income.

Sharing spending habits, savings and earnings makes some people feel uncomfortable, especially if they have something to hide. Each couple is different; however signing up for something like a house together is a big commitment if both are unaware of each other's monetary situation.

Marriage- Do they want to get married? You want to know if your paths are going in the same direction; however when is the best time to talk without coming on too strong? Do you both want marriage but on different timescales? One might want to get married now while the other is willing to wait. Are you both religious or is one of you agnostic or an atheist?

Having Kids- Another deal breaker if a couple doesn't agree on future aspirations such as having a family. Asking might come across as rushing things but people don't want to waste their time without someone who isn't headed in the same direction.

Health- Couples can often bury their head in the sand when it comes to the impact they are having or will have on their bodies through diet and lifestyle. Do you talk about it and worry each other of the potential harm or recent diagnosis, or do you quietly get on with it and tell them afterwards? What if it's more serious than that? When is the best time to tell them your world and theirs is about to seriously change?

Moving in together- Perhaps one is ready to share a space with their lover; maybe the other partner is not quite there yet. Then there is the question of who's place to move to or if you will find a new home together. If so where? Will it suit both of your work and family needs?

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