It’s sad- but true, the traditions we once upheld as partners are slowly fading as technology creeps in and steals away our quality time with one another. Here are the most common of them all, so if you miss them- it might be time to fight to get them back.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Eating at the dinner table- Most couples prefer to sit in front of the TV rather than face to face to help along the conversation and encourage you to eat you food more slowly. Flopping down in front of a screen is all too easy to do, however your relationship could be taking a hit. So why not vow to sit at the table at least once a week and see how it feels? If it’s a success you can carry on the weekly routine or even build it up night by night until your table dinners outweigh those from your lap .

Reading at night- There’s nothing more satisfying than lying next to each other, snuggled under the duvet with a good book. It stimulates conversation about what you’re reading but it also allows you both some down time that phones, I pads and TVs just can’t provide. Why not agree on a time to put all devices away and spend it reading instead? You might even end up having a better night’s sleep rather than a disturbed one which will only interrupt your partner’s pattern too.

Travelling games- Once upon a car drive, you would entertain each other with an innocent game of I-spy, it not only encouraged you to do something together but also made you look up and around at the things that are passing you by while you’re on the move. Now, the picture is very different. Usually, the passenger will be glued to their phone, so it might help your car time to place a ban on phones and help the driver to make their task more enjoyable.

Movie nights- Many couples still have movies nights- which is great- but with the introduction of streaming services and access to so much choice- selecting your movie can be a bit of a task. At least when you went out to the cinema there was only a few options. And of course there is always the temptation to half watch something while playing on  your phone. This means you’re missing out on the opportunity to snuggle up. Why not have a 'no phone rule' when you're watching a film? Pretend you are in the cinema when you have a movie night. Remember how annoying it was when a phone went off in the flicks? So apply the same logic here. Plus, choose your film beforehand so you’re not left with the decision when you’re supposed to be relaxing. 

Board games- They’re cheap, they’re cheerful, they’re fun- but so many couples have shunned the board game for games on digital devices and consoles. If one of you is a fan of such games but the other isn’t, then it can drive a wedge between you as one of you will inevitably venture off to do something else. Why not commit to getting out a board game once a month? Get some drinks and snacks out and make a really event out of it. You never know you might find yourself buying more once you get the bug for the good old board game again.   

Inspired by research. 

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