Goodboy: App of the Week

Goodboy: App of the Week

App: Goodboy

Available On: iOS Devices

Price: £0.69

What is it?

Goodboy is an app especially designed to help couples who are out of the honeymoon phase of relationships.

As we all know, relationships are based upon compromise and most of us will have to do tasks we dislike in order to keep out other half happy.

Men are usually the ones to put up the bigger fuss, so Goodboy has produced a handy little app that shows there can be rewards for compromise.

Women take overall control of the app, having the final say in most things, and reward their partner for making compromises.

There will be tasks such as ‘have dinner with the in-laws’ and each time a man completes the task to the woman’s satisfaction he will be awarded points.

These points are called Goodbucks and are used as currency within the app. Once a man has collected Goodbucks he can then exchange them for rewards.

Rewards range from being allowed to let a burp slip out to being allowed to eat bacon for a whole month.

The idea is to make the menial tasks of a relationship more fun and to have them work to your advantage.

We Love:

The app as a whole is a great idea. People will generally work harder if there is a reward involved so it provides great incentive.

You can track your man’s progress over time. When setting up the app you’ll have been asked to rate your boyfriend and his rating will go up depending on how many tasks are fulfilled – this will also make him work harder to get a better rating!

The app comes with pre-set tasks and rewards but you can add your own to it, making the app a hell of a lot more fun.

Making your partner watch every single Ryan Gosling film back to back for 100 Goodbucks is certainly something worth recommending!

Your partner can also suggest tasks for himself to perform and suggest how many Goodbucks he will be awarded.

This feature is made better by the fact that you will get the final say on whether you think the task is acceptable and how many Goodbucks he’ll get for it.

You can barter him down and he can barter back until you reach an acceptable agreement, or if you don’t like what he’s offering you can just wipe the bid altogether and show him who’s boss!


The only real downfall with this app is that it doesn’t come with any instructions as such so you may be a little confused at first.

But once you’ve had a play around with it, it becomes clear how things work and from there onwards is easy to use.


It’s an app that is all in the name of good fun and you can certainly have some when using it. The personalised tasks are a great feature and it really can make compromise a lot easier!

Have you tried the Goodboy app? Let us know what you thought by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK