A recent survey revealed that singles are less preoccupied with dating during the Christmas months so we talk to the director at Hayley Quinn Dating to find out just why this is!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Why do singles shy away from romance in the winter?

‘Winter is 'cuffing season' when people are generally paired up - so it's all too easy for singles to focus on feeling left out rather than grasping onto all the awesome opportunities for meeting people that the festive season provides.’ 

What are the winter dating blues?

‘Most people get the winter blues: cold weather, carrying a few Christmas pounds and unsexy mountains of clothing are enough to make anyone turn to a DVD box set over going on the hunt to meet new people. Plus it's a time of year to reflect - and too often we dwell on what we don't have in our lives rather than creating a great plan for the future.’ 

Why does it last so long? (until March)

‘Until Spring is here it can be difficult to get our mojo back- if Christmas and New Year’s isn't enough to make people feel blue about their dating lives then Valentine’s Day doesn't help.’ 

Why would women let TV take over their lives in winter rather than look for a date?

‘People may turn to TV as it's comforting, routine and easier- usually to get out of a dating rut we have to change our habits, break our routines and definitely get off that sofa.’

Why are people less inventive if they do get a date?

‘Bad weather and dark nights make it seem like we have tons less options than summer. However most of the time sunshine activities can be transformed into creative indoor dates. Don't think picnics should be saved for the park, roll out the rug, put some logs on the fire and take it indoors!’ 

Why should singles not press the pause button on dating?

‘Opportunities to meet people exist everywhere! It's about thinking of what you can do right now (not next year!) to meet new people.’ 

What are the most romantic things that you can do in winter?

‘Romantic winter walks on cold days through the park, hot chocolate tasting, winter markets, Christmas fairs, Sunday roasts, spa breaks .. there are a lot of reasons to ditch the DVD and enjoy some crisp air, mulled wine and fairy lights.’ 

Why do people that seek love on the winter do so for a long term relationship?

‘Winter makes us reflect on the year that's just been; and when you're surrounded by cosy couples it's natural to want that security. However, whilst someone to snuggle up to is great that's what comes with a longer term relationship- the first steps to this are all about beating the seasonal dating blues and putting yourself out there.’ 



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