Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux

When it comes to a hot couple, there is no one hotter than Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux. Jennifer Aniston on her own is simply gorgeous; however with the added appeal of a chiseled jaw and a six pack, Justin is not bad to look at by her side.

They began dating in May 2011, which was closely followed by their purchase of their home in Los Angeles, Bel Air together in January 2012, which was rumored to cost 22 million.


On August 2012 they announced their engagement, after just 15 months of being together on Justin’s Birthday, to say this was whirlwind romance is an understatement.


Justin starred in a number of episodes of Parks and Recreation in 2009 in which his girlfriend talks about Jennifer Aniston picking the wrong men, now that is irony for you!


First seen working together in Wanderlust where Aniston plays Linda Gergenblatt, who decides to leave the grueling pace of the city with her partner George and moved to a commune, where they meet Seth (Theroux) who sleeps with Linda in an effort to salute free love. 

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