Valentine's Day is the one time of the year that celebrates being in love. So if you are in a relationship, it's important that you take time to let each other know this. Unfortunately, many companies will try and cash in on this by raising restaurant prices and even tickets for theatre and cinema. This really does take the romance out!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

As a relationship expert I can tell you that you should never do this by spending lots of money you can't afford. Small gestures work just as well as it's the thought that counts.

So to help you make the most of the day, here are some affordable low key suggestions that you might enjoy.

1) Grab a Deal

Sites like Groupon are full of endless opportunities for cheap dates. You can get suggestions such as afternoon tea, meals or hotel break at a fraction of the normal price. Even if you are short of ideas, you'll find lots of great suggestions on there for new activities.

2) Netflix and Chill

Fire up one of your favourite movies and watch it together. Pick one that has a special meaning to you. Maybe a film you saw at the cinema when you first got together, or a rom com one of you has been wanting to see for ages.

3) Write a Love Letter

Spend half an hour writing a love letter or poem to each other. It doesn't need to be serious, but it's an amusing way of expressing your affections. In fact, the sillier the better!

4) Have a Flutter

Go to a Bingo Night. It's surprisingly fun, sociable and you might even win something. It's a very social thing to do so you'll have a laugh and perhaps get the chance to interact with other couples. Anything that gets you talking is always going to be worth the effort.

5) Try an Indoor Picnic

It might be cold outside, but that doesn't mean you can't warm up your love life. Prepare a picnic with your favourite food items and set up a rug on your living room floor. With the right music and lighting it can set the perfect romantic setting for a fraction of the cost of going out. Just don't forget the champagne!

6) Make a Scrapbook

Why not spend the evening putting together an album full of your happiest memories. You can include old photos, ticket stubs and perhaps take some new shots on your phone. You'll have a wonderful selection of talking points and it's a great chance to see how far you've come.

7) Pamper Time

Get yourselves some massage oil and candles, then take it in turns to give each other massages. It's something we often think we'd like to do but never seem to get time. So if you do this, you'll get the opportunity to put your hands all over them which may lead to an interesting night!

Please remember that even just a card can be enough as long as you make time for each other. Valentine's Day is important but it's just one day in the year. Make them feel special all year round!

James Preece is the UK's number 1 dating and relationships expert. For more information, visit / AJames PreeceGuru

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