According to research by exclusive luxury Knightsbridge matchmaker Seventy Thirty, the desire for that elusive partner peaks on the first Wednesday in August. During the summer break, when the city all but shuts down when the thoughts of career high flyers, the asset rich and time poor, turn to love. In honour of that, we thought we'd bring you the ten essential tips on first dates from founder, Susie Ambrose.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

At Seventy Thirty we use psychological metrics to match make our clients alongside traditional techniques, but we also recognise the importance of advice and training ; there is an art to dating.

Here are our rules on a first date:

Build up your confidence.

Dating can be nerve-wracking even for the most confident person, and we all have a tendency to visualise the worst-case scenario on a date. Before you go out, do a healthy 'asset inventory: make a list of all your good qualities. Picture yourself being relaxed, confident, at ease and enjoying a wonderful time out

Dress the part.

Do your research and find out about where your date is taking you and plan your outfit accordingly. Classic rules of clothing etiquette should apply. Look your best but don't wear anything uncomfortable; you'll wind up focussed on how your clothes feel rather than your date.

Watch your body language.

Posture and eye contact can send messages that speak louder than words. Get to know yourself and visualise how you want to connect with your date. (Our Seventy-Thirty members are often coached on their body language … millionaires or not, it's an often-neglected area of focus… is the subtext of your communication or body language putting him/her off in myriad subtle but nevertheless powerful ways)

It's not therapy, it's a date!

Don't talk about nightmare exes, bad dates you've suffered, or horrible primary school stories. Keep it personal but positive.

Don't be afraid to let your intelligence shine through

Intelligence is an attractive quality and it also makes you stand out from the crowd.

Be natural

Don't feel that you have to hide behind a mask: just be yourself. Show your personality.

Don't talk money.

Discussing finances on a first date is a big no-no. You're there to get to know each other, not your bank accounts.

Don't drink too much.

It is a tempting tactic to calm your nerves by throwing back the martinis, but this will only make you more likely to lose control of the choice-making barometer.

Skip the sex (at least at first).

So you're hitting it off and the person across from you has your heart pounding. Great! It might sound old-fashioned, but resist the temptation to give in to your primal urges before you've got to know the person better. Saving something for later will keep both of you wanting more, and will enable you to connect on a deeper level.

Have fun!

While you can't guarantee every date will be a success, you can increase your chances of this by being as relaxed and positive as possible on your date. And dating is supposed to be fun, remember?