So you and your best friend have just started dating these amazing guys and not only do you want to meet each other’s dates but you also want to see if your dates will get along with each other.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The double date is a great way to get to know your friend’s new man as well as him to know your new man – which is essential!

We’ve taken a look at the pros and cons to consider before deciding to take a plunge into double dating.

PRO: Your Best Friend and Love Interest get to Meet

Your best friend meeting your new love interest is something that simply has to happen. It’s an unwritten rule that before things get super serious, your best friend has to approve him and what could be better than a night with two of your favourite people?

CON: Clashing Personalities

So you’re all sat there. In deadly silence. With nothing to say. There’s always the chance that the group dynamic might not work, which just makes the entire evening awkward for everyone involved.

PRO: You’re More at Ease

Having your friend with you on a date will definitely put you at ease. You’ll both be able to show your best qualities to your dates and the conversation will flow more freely and you’ll find you’re a lot more eager to talk and converse.

CON: You Forget You’re on a Date

Don’t forget that you’re not there to have a girly chat with your bestie, essentially you’re on a date so don’t ignore him!

PRO: You’re Guaranteed to go Home with Someone

If it all goes to pot with your date and there was no spark then at least you still have your best friend at the end of the night and aren’t left walking home in the rain alone!

CON: You Hit it off but Your Friend Doesn’t

If you’re having a great time with your date and really sparking off each other, then the last thing you need is your friend having a really crappy time with her date. Not only will you feel guilty for having fun when she isn’t but you’ll feel like you can’t take the date any further.