has found that a quarter of Brits search for their presents from their partner- we take a look at what lengths they will go to in order to spoil the surprise. If you have an inquisitive partner- watch your tracks- for they will stop at nothing.

They can't wait till the presents go under the tree

They can't wait till the presents go under the tree

Searched every cupboard in the house- If you're not very imaginative you will probably stash gifts somewhere like the back of your wardrobe or behind the sheets in the airing cupboard. Try to take them out the house all together and leave them at a family or friends house. As soon as you leave your home that will be their first port of call.

Gone through drawers- I know what you're thinking- the sock drawer is the usual culprit for storing small gifts- so if you've bought jewellery- they will be able to see past your sock ball disguise.

Unwrapped and rewrapped presents- If you think you are being clever by wrapping parcels as soon as you enter the house after a shopping spree- watch out for different paper, for your loved one might have opened them early and covered their tracks with a new roll.

Asked their partner clever questions- If your partner tries to trick you with interrogations surrounding presents- don't entertain the conversation- you will only get tongue tied and end up letting something slip.

Checked their partner's internet browser history- It's not only porn you have to watch out for- but gift ideas too- clear your recent searches or they will go into detective mode as soon as you flip the lid on your laptop.

Tried to find receipts- Don't leave receipts lying around- if you can- file them away in an unlikely place or store them at work.

Asked their friends and family questions- Warn your family and friends not to give away anything about your gift if they are a bit of a tease or better yet- don't tell them what you've bought your partner. They might just wear them down.

Checked the person's credit card statement- File any statements faway in a secret place until after Christmas. It may not list the items like on a receipt, but your SO can figure out from what shop you've bought something from what their gift is.

Make they are at home when a delivery is coming- If you are expecting a delivery- get it sent to your friend or family's home instead of yours. Or get it sent to work so they don't have the chance to mistakenly open it because they 'thought it was theirs'.

Checked their partner's text and email- Delete all text messages with confirmations and all emails with electronic receipts- if they're regularly on your phone- there's a chance they might see what you've got them if it's near the top of your inbox- especially if they are looking for it.

Logged onto their bank account- If you can pay in cash for the smaller inexpensive items it might be a good move if your partner knows your bank account details.

Followed their partner on a shopping trip- If you decide to go shopping on your own and your partner knows that you're off to get their gift- watch out for people in long coats and big glasses following you around the shopping mall.

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