Tom Daley beats David Beckham to Hottest Hunks Top Spot, How?

Tom Daley beats David Beckham to Hottest Hunks Top Spot, How?

Heat magazine have revealed their Hottest Hunks list which showcases 101 of the planet’s hottest men.

David Beckham was firmly fixed at the top of the list last year, but now he has fallen to number 3 after being beaten by Tom Daley and Channing Tatum.

We have one question – what the hell is going on with the world?

We’re not for a minute saying that Tom Daley and Channing Tatum aren’t hot hunks, they are, but let’s be honest David Beckham belongs at the top of that list.

He’s Britain’s golden boy and as well as being pretty nifty with a ball, he’s also super suave and handsome.

Not to mention that the fact that he has a family who he is completely devoted to which just melts our hearts completely.

He’s also got the age bonus. We all know that men look better once they’ve matured, rather like a fine wine.

Tom Daley on the other hand looks about 12 from the neck up and you just can’t help but think of him as a child!

It also must hurt Beckham’s pride a little that Tom Daley didn’t even make last year’s poll, yet this year he has swopped straight in at the number one spot, ouch.

Although Channing Tatum is rather hunky, we do have a slight issue with the fact that his neck seems to be wider than his actual head – he just can’t compete with Beckham!

David Beckham is smouldering, Tom Daley has a game show called Splash, there is just no comparison between the two.

Heat’s Editor-in-Chief said that the Heat readers have impeccable taste, we unfortunately must disagree with this claim.

That is why we at FemaleFirst are putting our best foot forward and placing it firmly on the side of David Beckham!

Do you agree with us or do you think Tom Daley deserves his place at the top? Let us know what you think by commenting below or tweeting us @FemaleFirst_UK