Bad breath is a no no!

Bad breath is a no no!

AXA have found that it takes just 12 minutes to make an impression on a first date

Your date will judge you on things such as your smile, eye contact and tone of voice. Before their first meeting many dates will check out their potential partner on Facebook. Many will take extra care with their appearance before the date too, getting a new haircut, a manicure, new perfume or even dieting before the big day. Men are more forgiving when it comes to bad first impressions, whereas woman are less likely to pick up the phone and arrange second date if they were not blown away by their man.

Top five dos on a first date:


Make eye contact

Fresh breath

A relaxed tone of voice

Smart clothes

Top five dont's on a first date:

Bad body odour

Bad breath


Scruffy clothes

Not smiling

Psychologist Donna Dawson, said:

“It’s the little things you can do that will mean a lot and will put you ahead in the dating game, for example, good hygiene and fresh breath reveal self-respect and consideration for others. Wearing clothes that make you feel both smart and comfortable will help you to relax, which in turn provides the confidence to create a great first impression. Similarly, eye contact conveys sincerity and trustworthiness, and shows you are interested in the other person. Human beings are programmed to return a smile so smiling, even when you are nervous, will get you and your first date off to a good start.”


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