Do you pick the colour scheme?

Do you pick the colour scheme?

Gumtree has just released list of jobs that women and men assign themselves in the home and it appears that we are still pigeonholed when it comes to our perceived roles in relationships. The most noticeable thing is that women tend to have twice the amount of responsibilities in the household, according to the study, making us martyrs when it comes to chores or because we are reluctant to share the wearing of the trousers when it comes to making decisions in the home. We take a look at each and discuss if we agree or disagree with them.

Women’s’ Responsibilities

Buying gifts for friends and family- Men are notoriously bad at planning ahead for such as this and act more impulsively on gift buying- cramming it in  at the last minute, so its sensible for us to see this through.

Where to buy new furniture- We take pride in our surroundings- men are not that bothered between an eBay cast off, a beech effect or a solid wood table to sit at, so as  long as it’s functional- so we need to seek out the best and most attractive deal for items such as this.

What color to paint the living room- Not everywhere has to be magnolia guys- sometimes its nice to introduce a bit of color in your life. Again we are proud of our home and want it to look the best it can.

Choosing and buying the furnishings for the living room and bedroom- We care about trinket boxes, photo frames and decorative pillows- they make the place look warm and inviting- if its was up to men there would just be a sofa, TV and shelves of DVDs and games- that is all.

Buying new kitchen appliances- Even though some of the best chefs are men- sadly not a lot of average Joes have followed suit, so we need to keep a check on the kitchen equipment to make sure we can actually prepare something edible. Unless it's a knife and then the man will choose what the meat will be cut with.

Where to do the food shop- We like lists and routines- we like to go shopping on the same day each week and have some indication of what we are looking for. An unexpected trip to to another supermarket that we are not used to is unsettling and blows the budget for that week.

Where the next holiday destination is- No we are not backpacking across Western Europe in hostels or camping on a slow puncture blow up bed with no showers or decent toilets- we need comfort and hygiene when we are away from work and somewhere to plug in our hairdryers.

What color the bedroom décor will be- This is our place of calm and rest- washing on the floor and the insides of your outturned pockets does not qualify as 'décor'.

What to have for dinner- A favourite in our house is ‘whatever you can be bothered to make- I can be bothered to eat’- take away it is then.

What house to buy- We have to like it- if it’s a project house for a steal- we are not all that keen. Living in brick dust and hammered out walls doesn’t exactly scream cosy does it?

Name of pets- You can’t call a little fluffy bunny a butch name like Bruno or Thor!

What pet to get- We like to practice looking after something before we get pregnant so let us have our way!

What Christmas tree to buy- We want real and they are blinded by the thought of endless needles to hoover up and in the end- they get their way.

Who to send Christmas cards to- Women are the keepers of the cards- fact- unless our men need to buy one for us, they are none the wiser about birthdays and who has been sent what.  

Men’s Responsibilities

Buying the family car- Many women know very little about cars- so it’s only right that the man should decide which is the most economic and suitable for our couply needs.

How much to sell the car for- Again, we don’t know what to buy it for in the first place so don’t even get us started on selling the damn thing.

Where to build the garden shed- Men think about light, whether the ground is level and whether it’s strong enough to be built upon- women think about the bird feeder they are going to hang off it once it’s up.

Where to book the MOT- Men are more intuitive when it comes to cars and who is the best and the worst in the business- they spread the word about bad mechanics like we do awful hairdressers- so take heed.

Who does the driving abroad- Driving on a different side of the road and the car? No thanks- you can have that one all to yourself.

What to watch on TV- His constant sighs over having to watch Come Dine With Me make us give in and turn on the news or the history channel. That’s our cue to leave the room and reconvene when it’s out of his system.

How to fix DIY issues- He doesn’t trust us with a hammer- so even if we wanted to- it’s out of our hands- literally.

Anything to do with household plumbing- When the water does not work- we panic that we will do something to make the problem worse not better- so we wait for the man to come to our rescue.

Which tradesmen to use- Men will be open and honest if they find a good or bad tradesman so it’s best left to the experts.

Gas and electricity provider- Harping back to the good old days- the man keeps their family fed and warm- so it’s only natural that he wants to get the best deal to do so.

What satellite TV package to have- As long as it has Game of Thrones- we are not bothered what package you get. Go nuts. 



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