According to , nearly half of women are more likely to go to their parents or the internet for relationship advice. Men on the other hand would be more inclined to talk to an ex on how best to approach their new lover.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Rather than talking to their partner, most Brits would prefer to seek help from elsewhere, with only 13% who like to keep their relationship problems private.

For men, their first port of call is an ex, followed by friends, parents, siblings and finally a co-workers. Women differ considerably as their parents lead the way, followed by friends, the internet, co-workers and lastly their ex, putting both men and women at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the trust they place in previous relationships.

Unsurprisingly, men who were seeking advice from an ex- partner did not tell their current love the truth. Only a small amount told their partner what they had done, however it comes as no shock that it wasn't an ideal situation for their better half.

The internet comes in handy when people are embarrassed to ask other about a certain issue, however there is also the problem of trust. Many people don't believe they have someone they can trust enough with their concerns. Even if they did- the advice a friend, or family member might give is bound to be subjective, whereas the internet offers a lot of objective information.

The most popular searches on the internet are of course sex, finding the one, break ups and faithfulness.

Nick Swan, Founder and CEO of, said the following:

"I think it makes sense that a majority of women turn to their parents for advice on love, after all they want their approval for any prospective partners that might one day become a son-in-law. The fact that a majority of men seek advice from their ex-partners is really surprising! Whilst some may still be friends, I'm not sure you can 100% trust advice from an ex, they might not have the best intentions and may harbour ulterior motives!"

"I definitely think these results are interesting to see where Britons' trust lies and whose advice they value the most. It's somewhat telling that men seek the approval of those who know them outside their family unit, whilst women seem to be a bit more sensitive and return to those who know them best when in need of advice."

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