kimberley asks :

i have been dating my partner for 3 years now and i have recently ben feeling unattractive. During sex with my partner i have noticed he has his eyes shut and he dosen't seem to be paying much attention to my body sexually. he seems to be elsewhere. I don't know wether this is my insecurities and i don't know if talking to him about it would be a good idea. Can you give me any advice?

Yin replies

Talking to him would definately be a good idea. But other things that you could do would be to dress up for him, make an effort. When we get into a relationship with people, at first we always make the effort but then we begin to go for the "natural" look. Everyone does it, and it may be that you're not feeling attractive, purely because you've not been making the effort to lately. Go out somewhere together instead of staying in, put on a nice dress, some makeup and have your hair done. If you feel gorgeous, you look it. Some kinky underwear wouldn't go a miss either...he won't be able to keep his eyes off you. Have a look at our Lingerie Catalog for some inspiration.

Yang replies

He could have his eyes closed because he is lost in the moment, enjoying the sexual pleasure that he is receiving. I know that it is common for many men and women to close their eyes. Try having more foreplay, as this pays a lot of attention to each other's bodies. If he is still resistant and doesn't seem interested, then it is time to talk. It's never going to be an easy conversation, but if you're not happy it needs to be said.

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