asefro asks :

he loves me but he dznt say that... i mean he thinks if i told her dat i lov her she will leaves me alone...and when i ignore him he starts 2blaming me ...u dnt care of me and u dnt lv me and pla pla m confused when i get closer he is just runaway and when i leave he complains but i know he lvs me besides our sexual life is can u help me ...plllllllllz

Yin replies

You seem really confused, yet your gut instinct is telling you quite clearly that you think he might be telling you he loves you for the wrong reasons. Quite often, in matters of the heart, your gut instincts should never be ignored.
Also, people love in different ways and if he isn’t loving you as you need to be loved, you either need to address it and see if he is prepared to change, or move on.
Some people are happy to have uncertainty but it sounds as if you want him to be consistent. Can you relax if you accept that he’ll never give you what you want? A perfect sex life is no indication of true love or of you being in a healthy relationship. Believe me.

Yang replies

This guy is a nightmare. He’s completely selfish, playing with your emotions and even if your sex life is good, you’d be crazy to carry on with him. Believe me now, someone who really loves you won’t go distant on you or run away when you get close.
But someone who doesn’t love you will give the impression of loving you when it suits him - why wouldn’t he?
You’ve said it yourself, he thinks that by telling you he loves you, you’ll leave him alone. That should say it all to you really.

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