Mike Hale asks :

I am married, have two daughter. I have been married for nearly 25 years. Thing are not right, and I fined myself being attracted to a younger women. Please help.

Yin replies

You need to think about what it is that you want in life. If you're not happy with your wife at the moment, then don't just up and leave, but sit down and talk with her about it. The chances are that she is feeling the same, and therefore you both need to work at your relationship together. 25 years is a long time for you to be only with your wife, and therefore things could have become boring. Try spicing up your love life, going out more together for romantic meals and making the effort to look nice for each other. It may be that excitement that you are missing.

Yang replies

This is a natural thing to happen to you. You are bound to be attracted to other, younger, people, as it's not as though your mind changes as you grow older, and neither do attractions. I think that you and your wife need to remember why it was that you got together, as there must be a very strong love between the two of you for you to have been together for so long. Talk to each other more and go out together without your kids. Relight that fire!

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