chantelle asks :

I've been dating a guy for two months now.. but there's one problem...he is two years younger to me...I'm 19 and he is 17...even though he's mature enough and we love each other a lot...
I’m scared of telling anyone... I've hidden it from my best friend, too...thinking that she'll be judgmental and won't approve.
What should I do? I really care about what people will say and this is stopping me from just enjoying my relationship with him!

Yin replies

If you’re concerned about this age gap, but you think he is mature, you should stick to your guns.
He obviously makes you happy. On the other hand, some people are very motivated by others’ opinions of them and if you are always going to be embarrassed, perhaps you have to consider whether or not it’s something you really want to stick with.
If your best friend really cares about you, all she’ll want is your happiness - I think you need to ask yourself why her approval is so important to you. Perhaps you could pre-empt it by sussing out what her view is on people going out with younger guys.

Yang replies

Come on Chantelle - a two-year age gap at your age isn’t something to be scared of, or hide from people.
Fast forward a few years and it wouldn’t be at all surprising for a 21 year old to be going out with a 23 year old.
The problem is all in your mind - if you get on and you’re both happy, what do two years matter? You’ve got a toy boy - yeay!

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