Marc asks :

I would like to ask you about a problem I have, which is that I grope my partner all the time.

We have been together for six years now and even if we just have a hug I have to feel her bottom or other areas. She says I have a problem and she is fed up of it!

But I just still find her really attractive and sexy and can't keep my hands to myself. How can i stop this, as if i carry on i don't think my relationship will!!!

Yin replies

There is nothing wrong with a bit of touchy-feely within a loving relationship.

If you stopped touching her in these areas then she could possibly feel that you don't feel her as attractive and this could cause feelings of insecurity.

However, you have to remember that there is a time and a place for this. In the middle of shopping centres possibly isn't a good idea, or at parents houses!

Think about it before you do, and remember that when the timing is right, there is nothing wrong with the odd groping, but don't go over the top.

Yang replies

I'm not suprised that your girlfriend is getting annoyed with you continually groping her, I know I would.

Sometimes a kiss on the cheek or a squeeze of the hand can be alot better for letting her know that you are attracted to her, or a sly wink.

There is absolutely no need for you to constantly feel her up. There's nothing wrong with touching her, but not too often. She won't like the thoughts she is getting, whereby you are only with her for her figure and are making a show of being able to touch her.

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