kida asks :

i really like this lad. i want to ask him out but i dont know if he likes me. how do i tell if he does like me? and what should i do? id apreciate the help.

Yin replies

Why don't you just go for it?! If he says no it's not the end of the world. Yeah, you probably will be a bit embarassed, but at least you've tried. And the chances are him saying no just means that it wouldn't have worked out anyway. There's nothing wrong with making the first move. Get him on his own and talk to him. Or if you don't want to do it to his face then send him an email and just see what he says.

Yang replies

If you and this lad get on well and talk a lot, then the chances are that he does like you. However, he may not want to be anything more than mates. Sometimes this is hard to tell, but if you catch him staring at you when he thinks that you're not looking, this is usually a good sign. Maybe you could ask some of his friends if they know who he likes. Be careful though, you don't want them running and telling him!

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