Adam asks :

hi, I'm gay and have told one of my friends, but i dont know how to tell my parents.
They dont like gay people, can you help me how to tell them . adam x

Yin replies

Adam, your mum and dad should love you unconditionally and be there for you no matter what. Your parents might not like what they class as the 'typical gay' but I'm sure that they like you.

So why should things change?

Be sensitive in the way that you tell them. Let them know that you don't feel any sort of attraction towards females but you do towards males.

You are not changing, so there's no reason for them not to like you - you're just revealing another side to you that they haven't seen.

It may open there eyes to the 21st century world where homosexuality isn't to be hidden away anymore and people are free to be themselves.

Yang replies

You need a lot of courage to tell your mum and dad this, and it is something that all people find difficult to deviate away from the "norm".

Go in with confidence, and let them know that it is not going to affect your relationship with them, just your relationships as a whole.

There is no point in you going through life in denial, or in them doing so.

They may not like it at first, but would you rather that they heard it from you or found out through the grape vine.

Either way, it is going to take a lot of getting used to from your parents, as I'm sure it will come as a shock.

I'm sure in the long run everything will be okay, just stay strong and positive and fight through it.

You can only be yourself after all.

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