Jennie asks :

Iv been seeing a guy for a while now on and off, I'm also pregnant with his baby but he isn't interested at all he contacts me on his terms but doesn't want to commit or have anything to do with the child. How do I tell him I don't want to see him anymore or contact me unless he mans up and takes some responsibility?

Yin replies

Yin / Tyler

Lucy says:

Exactly like that! You are the mother of this baby and if he is not showing any interest now, what makes you think he will in future once the baby is born? You need to make the contact on your terms if that is what you want and stop giving in to him. If he is not showing any dedication to you or the baby is this someone you want as a role model for your child or would you rather have someone there who is supportive of you both and consistent? If you have children unfortunately, commitment is part of the deal, so essentially he does need to realise his responsibilities and either prove his worth or walk away.

Yang replies

Yang / Lydia

Cameron says:

Be blunt and direct. If he’s not there to help support you now, and is only contacting his pregnant lover on his own terms, then he’s probably not cut out for fatherhood right now. He needs to step up to the plate, be it by actually being there for you, or at the very least letting you know exactly where you stand. You need to find yourself a support network and give this child the best start it can have, with or probably without this guy.

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