Leanna Lyons-Martin asks :

What do I do? Im 18 and for 3 years I have known this guy caled Jared. Right from the outset I have known there is something special abut him and something I love. I've fallen completely in love with him, i've never felt anything like this before and I just feel like crying everytime I don't talk to him. He feels the same however there is a huge problem.. I live in England and he lives in Australia. Opposite sides of the world. I love him so much, and he does me and I just want to cry.. I've tried not talking to him, removing him from all social sites and stopped contact but it hasnt worked.. we've both tried having different relationships but each time they fail and its the same thing, our hearts are with each other.. he wants us to stick it out and hope one day we can be together properly but this is killing me and I just don't know what to do :'( I love him so so much, so much it hurts and I can't keep on like this :'( What do I do? Please help.

Yin replies

If you both have the means to travel over throughout the year to see each other then you could do long distance if you love him as much as you say you do. Can one of you afford to move to the other's country for a while? Could you take your work or your studies elsewhere? If not, how will you cope between spells of seeing each other? It is difficult now, but how can you trust that he has not moved on, or found someone else? It takes regular contact and meetings to keep a relationship alive and if you can’t see each other very often this is going to take its toll. 

Yang replies

It is hard to do long distance but you not only have to contend with the fact that he is in a different country but the time difference and the charges for keeping in contact. If you don’t have the resources to be able to go and visit one another it is probably for the best that you break it off. You are putting yourself at a great disadvantage and relationships are hard enough without all the added pressure. 

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