Hyacynth asks :

I'm in a long distance relationship, and I feel very insecure and keep imagining all sorts of things. I feel he must be visiting the internet to gratify his needs and this makes me quite jealous.

We live in diferent countries and can only meet once in 6 months. he had shaved himself down there once and said it was for me that he was doing it- I cant get over this and feel he must have gone to some woman. Help!

I do love him very much, but he has never ever invited me to his place in london. he visits me though.

Yin replies

Try not to feel so insecure, your boyfriend is with you because he wants to be and has no reason to cheat.

Even if he is looking at porn on the internet this isn't cheating so don't let it get to you.

Next time you speak to him tell him how insecure you are feeling and how you would like to visit him. if he is a good man he will reassure you and no doubt invite you to his. If not ask him why and if you are not convinced of his innocence then end the relationship as you can't go on forever feeling this paranoid.

Yang replies

Long distance relationships come hand in hand with problems like this and if you can't handle the paranoia then you shouldn't be in this relationship.

Chances are that your boyfriend is not cheating on you but if you are feeling like this then he needs to convince you that he is not.

Ask him outright if you can visit him, if he says yes then fine, if he says no then ask why not and unless you are convinced he has a good excuse then finish the relationship.

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