Sam Jones asks :

When me and my boyfriend first met a few months into the relationship I found out he used to be married, he was seperated and is planning on getting divorced and then a week later I found out he has two kids. Even though at the time I said I understand and thanked him for eventually being honest after a few months I began to feel angry and would say immature comments about his past.

We have been trying for a child for the past year and I have still not become pregnant due to PCO syndrome which I was diagnosed with this year. This has now left me feeling a little resentment towards his ex wife and children which I cannot help, I non stop fight with him about his past and it has since made me doubt anything he says is the truth, I'm not sure whether we have a future because i cannot let his past go and I know I'm trying for a baby for all the wrong reasons..please help!

Yin replies

Trying, unsuccessfully for a baby can be a very stressful time and you are bound to get upset and take it out on your boyfriend.

Remember though that he wants to have children with you and it will be just as upsetting for him that you are struggling to conceive.

You need to have a good talk with him and explain your feelings about his past. He cannot change it but will be able to reassure you and getting your worries off your chest will make you feel a lot better.

Yang replies

Everyone has a past and you have to just accept it as it cannot be changed.

If your boyfriend had never been married or had children would you still want to be with him and have children with him?

This will give you your answer.

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