maged asks :

I love my colleague (woman) so much but she’s five years older than me. I sent her some hints. I felt she needed me but she just had divorced.
She rejected having a relationship with me but I feel she loves me, from her eyes ..... What can I do?

Yin replies

I don’t think age is the issue here; how did you know she was recently divorced? Perhaps she does like you but it’s too soon for her.
I suggest you just treat her with friendly politeness. Don’t scare her off - just let her see that you’re nice, you have sincere intentions, and that you might be someone she could talk to one day, when she’s ready.
Don’t push her or harass her though. Be nice, be polite, but don’t be too close.

Yang replies

You hardly know the woman, but you think that you can tell from her eyes that she loves you?
es, it’s possible to get a clue that someone is attracted to you by their eyes, by the way they might hold your eye contact, but love? You can’t really expect to tell that she loves you by her eyes?
You’ve hinted at your feelings but she’s rejected you. Leave it there. Don’t get obsessed by conquering her.
She might just not fancy you. It might all be in your mind, inventing that she loves you because that’s what you want to believe. Let her actions be your guide, not her eyes.

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