Mandy asks :

I'm seeing a married man which I know is wrong. It's more emotional than physical for both of us. He's always said that he would never leave his recently we'd wife and I would never expect him to. But I can't continue down this path

Yin replies

An emotional affair can actually be more dangerous than a physical one because you can find sex anywhere but a connection is one of a kind. If he has no intention of leaving her then you need to get out before you get more hurt. If you don’t expect him to leave his wife then why encourage the relationship when you know you can never have him that way? How would you feel if you were his wife and this was going on behind your back? Keep that in mind and it will help you to pull away.

Yang replies

Perhaps dial it back with him as much as you can and start looking for a new man to fill your time with. A distraction is the key to helping you get over him, specifically a romantic one. Staying as close as you are will only hinder your progress. If you get used to little contact then in time you may feel able to cut all ties, or maintain a friendship that is not based on a deep emotional connection. As you say you can’t continue down this path as you know where it will end, so stop yourself from getting to a dead end and take action while you can to protect yourself from the pain of heart break. 

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